If you sign up for Patient Access Online, you will be able to book your appointments and request your repeat prescriptions online. You will also be able to view some of your medical record online.
Please enquire at the surgery about signing up for this service.
Sign in here once you have an account.
Please note info about emails from Patient Access
We advise users of Patient Access to check the name and email address of the sender, all emails from Patient Access will come via an email address that ends in @patientaccess.com. We advise users never to click on any log in links that you receive via email but to visit the site via the address bar of your browser instead so that you know you are on the genuine Patient Access log in page. You can find more information and guidance on the information security page here: www.patientaccess.com/security
We strongly advise users to set up their Memorable Word security feature, as well as using biometrics (fingerprint ID) if they use the app.
Email addresses used to create an account for Patient Access account are secured. We do not share any data and no data is ever saved or stored on any device you use to access Patient Access.